A holistic approach to health & wellness starts here

The Packages

How we can work together

Mineral Balancing Protocol

Before we begin a detox or health protocol, the first step is getting your minerals balanced.

Let’s get you set up with a mineral balancing protocol that helps us get to the root causes of some of your biggest ailments such as headaches, low immunity, depression, anxiety, muscle aches and pains, digestion issues and more!

Safe for all ages, plus pregnant and nursing moms.


+ 30-minute pre-test consultation

+ HTMA test (non-invasive hair test)

+ 90-minute appointment to review your test results

+ Comprehensive mineral balancing plan

+ 8 weeks of email + text support following your appointment

Total Investment:


Please note: Supplements are not included in the package pricing, as the quantity and the types of supplements will vary from person to person.

Total Body Reset

Our mid-range package is 3-month (12 weeks) program that includes a 3-week (21 days) detox and elimination diet to help you identify trigger foods and learn how to work around them.

The Total Body Reset is a fit for those who need an initial detox that will offer greater insight into trigger foods but don’t need a 6-month commitment with multiple health plans.


+ 1-hour intake appointment

+ 21-day EquiLife detox kit

+ A second written healthcare plan during your 3 months of support

+ 1-hour appointments during month 2 and 2 30-minute appointments during month 3

+ Unlimited email, text, or phone support during your 3 months

+ Free detox recipe e-book

Available Add-Ons

+ 1 month of support for $99 (includes 1 hour of appointment time + text and email support)

Total Investment:


Payment Options:

+ deposit of $420 followed by 2 payments of $150/month


+ $75 off if paid in full ($645)

Complete Wellness Transformation

Our highest-tier package is a 6-month program that includes a 21-day detox to help you achieve optimal health & wellness.

The Complete Wellness Transformation is the ideal fit for people with in-depth health issues* who are ready to invest in their wellness, make the sacrifice of an intensive meal plan to eliminate candida, heavy metals, and harmful toxins, and get back to enjoying life free of disrupted sleep, digestive issue, and general physical and mental discomfort.

*In order to provide you with the support you need, anyone with an autoimmune disease must select the 6-month plan


+ 1-hour intake appointment

+ 21-day EquiLife detox kit

+ 2 additional written healthcare plans (ie. general wellness plan, CBO protocol, heavy metal protocol, etc.) during the 6 months

+ 1-hour appt. during month one and two 30-minute appts. per month during months 3-6 (phone, Zoom, or in-person)

+ Unlimited email, text, or phone support during your 6 months PLUS 1 free month of support (7 months total)

+ Free detox recipe e-book

Available Add-Ons

+ 1 month of support for $99 (includes 1 hour of appointment time + text and email support)

Total Investment:


Payment Options:

+ deposit of $420 followed by 5 payments of $150/month


+ $150 off if paid in full ($1,020)

Interested in exploring which package is the best fit for your needs?

Do you need recommendations or answers to your daily wellness questions without the full commitment of an in-depth protocol?

Schedule a low-cost “pick-my-brain” call where you can ask me about supplementation, diet suggestions, and other lifestyle questions that come up throughout your week.

UGH — another cold + flu bug is hitting your family HARD. Or, maybe you or a family member are struggling with constipation or frequent indigestion/heartburn.

Rather than jumping headfirst into a protocol that you may not feel ready for, let’s hop into a phone call or Zoom chat to discuss your health challenges and solutions for managing them.

For just $89, you’ll get:

+ a 60-minute call via phone call, Zoom, or in-person (if you’re a local client)
+ my undivided attention on you and your health or wellness questions/concerns
+ the ability to pick my brain about quick health remedies for colds and flu, gut issues, poor sleep, and so much more

Send me a message today to schedule your 60-minute wellness consultation call and get the quick yet effective answers you need to live a healthier and more enjoyable life.

All the deets you need.

The FAQs

  • Discounted rates are only offered to those who choose to pay in full. If you opt into a payment plan, there will be no discount applied.

  • Maintenance is something we cover during our time together, but if you feel that you need more support after completing your program, you can select the add-on associated with whichever you completed so we may continue our work together.

    I have many clients who still reach out on a regular basis (or even sporadically) to to work together on their continued health & wellness goals.

  • Once your onboarding paperwork is complete and your deposit has been paid, I will order your detox kit containing your nutritional beverage and supplements to be shipped directly to your home. All I need to know from you is whether you’d like chocolate or vanilla!

  • Autoimmune diseases present their own unique set of challenges, and those living with them require much more in-depth work and treatment to fully recover from them.

    Therefore, in order to provide you with the necessary support and ensure I’m giving you and your body the time they need to successfully complete a program, you must select the Complete Wellness Transformation plan to work with me.

  • If you’re interested in working together to heal your ailments, you can start by reaching out to schedule a free consultation with me to determine whether we’re a fit to tackle your needs.

    If I can help you, I’ll send you a contract, disclosure form, and invoice to complete, after which you’ll receive your onboarding paperwork.

    Please note that you are not officially booked into my calendar until your onboarding paperwork and deposit are completed.


Every health issue has a root cause.

With the right health plan, we’ll work together to remove obstacles like insomnia, digestive issues, and out-of-control hormones from your path that are standing in the way of the life you want to live.