Guilt Free Fudge

Some days (okay, most days), I just want a little chocolate…

But, I also don’t want to binge on sugary treats

That’s where this creamy, melty fudge comes in!

The other night ALL I could think about was chocolate. I had eaten a healthy, balanced dinner but while cleaning up, that craving hit. I don't typically keep much on hand for treats, but I always have plenty of ingredients. 

I decided to make this 6 ingredient fudge and I was not disappointed!

You probably have most of these ingredients in your home!

Best part is, this is one of the easiest things to make!


½ cup coconut oil
½ cup almond or nut butter
½ cup cocoa powder
¼ cup REAL maple syrup
2 teaspoons Cocoa Calm (optional)
Pinch sea salt

Grab a stainless steel pot, measure all your ingredients, melt at low heat until fully combined, then spread into a parchment paper lined pan. I used a 9x9 glass dish but for thicker fudge, use a loaf pan. Place pan into fridge or freezer until set, then slice in squares and enjoy!

That’s it!!

You could even double or triple the recipe and store in the freezer to keep on hand!

*I sourced most of my ingredients from Azure Standard. They are an amazing company offering drop locations for communities of people to order high quality, organic foods! Visit their website through my link to find a drop zone near you and browse their selection!

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