The Role Skin Absorption Plays In Our Daily Health & Well-Being

Your skin is your body’s largest organ

It is also porous, which means your skin absorbs up to 60-70% of what you put on it. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean it's going into the deeper layers of skin. That would depend on the product type, the particles' size, and whether or not it’s water-soluble. But that's a lot to get into today, and for the sake of our busy schedules, I’ll save the bigger discussions for another blog post.

The skin around your eyes is especially sensitive, and there are many reasons why this area is particularly susceptible to irritation and early aging. 

This layer of skin is much thinner than, for example, the skin on your knees or elbows, which means the chance of absorption is much higher. Research on this is all over the place, depending on the company or the type of doctor or practitioner writing the article. 

I’ve reached a point in my “crunchy” lifestyle where I realize it’s not worth the risks now that I’ve found truly clean products that actually work.

First, let’s talk about what to AVOID in your skincare routine:

Parabens are meant to prevent yeast, mold, and bacteria from growing. Unfortunately, they are also linked to hormonal imbalances, early puberty, and male sterility, and have even been found in breast cancer tissue. 

  1. Parabens are meant to prevent yeast, mold, and bacteria from growing. Unfortunately, they are also linked to hormonal imbalances, early puberty, and male sterility, and have even been found in breast cancer tissue.

  2. SLS: This industrial-grade surfactant makes products “foam” and can cause skin, eye, and lung irritation, depression, and diarrhea. (It's also in many toothpastes!)

  3. PEGs: This is the same ingredient in Miralax (and if you don’t already know about the dangers of that, feel free to reach out for more info). Short for polyethylene glycols, these can contain carcinogenic compounds are harmful to the nervous system and can cause an imbalance of gut flora. 

  4. Retinyl Palmitate: A form of Vitamin A can’t be bad, right? However, when this ingredient is present, your skin actually becomes more susceptible to sun damage (including cancer!) (Check your sunscreen for this one!)

  5. Fragrance: The word “fragrance” can mean so many things under the umbrella of the FDA’s standards. Unfortunately, fake scents can cause hormone disruption, especially in small children. If you see fragrance, plan to run in the other direction!

  6. FD&C colorants: Synthetic colors are added to skincare products to make them look more appealing but can actually cause skin irritation and rashes. 

  7. Petroleum: Why wouldn't you want to cover your face in a bi-product of the oil industry? You know, the stuff we put in our cars and use for heating oil (insert eye roll). Impurities can exist in this that are linked to cancer. 

  8. Propylene Glycol: Did you know the EPA considers Propylene Glycol so toxic that it requires disposal by burying? Unsurprisingly, even very small concentrations can cause dermatitis and hives.

  9. Sunscreen Chemicals: Many of the chemicals used in sunscreens, including avobenzone, oxybenzone, cinnamate, octisalate, and octinoxate, are associated with cellular damage and cancer. Funny, coming from something that's supposedly “preventing” cancer…

  10. Phthalates: These can often hide under the fragrance ingredients list and are linked to a risk of breast cancer, birth defects, and liver/kidney damage.

If you’ve decided to take a closer look at skincare products only to realize they contain many of these toxic & harmful ingredients, don’t panic!

It’s not too late to make the necessary changes! So, what kinds of HEALTHY ingredients should you look for instead?

Let’s start with ones we can actually pronounce, LOL – I’m talking  raspberry seed oil, argan oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, charcoal, calendula, grapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, hemp seed oil, rose petals, witch hazel, and natural essential oils. 

I have found all these ingredients and more at Earthley, one of my go-to brands for tinctures, supplements, cleaning products, and YES – all natural skincare products. 

They even have great resources, like this Skin Care Guide, which provides information about various factors that cause or contribute to skin issues (and discusses the best routine for your skin type!).

If you decide to order from Earthley for the first time, you’re in luck! I have a discount code just for you – MINDFULKIND10 – which will get you 10% off your first order. 

After you place an order, please email me your order number ( so I can enter you into my monthly drawing to win an Earthley gift card!

Be sure to follow on Facebook at The Mindful Kind, on Instagram @the.mindful.kind.

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